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Port Placement Surgery

May 26, 2021

Cory and I reported at 6am for my port implant surgery. I was checked in and taken back to a room where I had labs drawn, changed into my medical gown, got into the bed and then waited for next steps. Cory was able to come back to the room once I was all settled. I was a bit anxious about this surgery, the port goes in just below my right clavicle and has a small catheter that runs into the jugular vein (please don’t miss Dr. Naour). When the time came they wheeled me into the operating room, it was very familiar - the same space that I had been in for my gallbladder surgery, about this time last year. I transferred to the operating table and then was administered some low-grade anesthesia, I felt myself begin to drift off.

Unfortunately, at some point during the surgery the anesthesia began to wear off, I could feel myself waking up and I think it was right when the surgeon was starting to place the port. I heard (and felt) some cutting and cracking and the surgeon directing the nurse anesthetist that I was waking up and to get me back under fast.

No big deal. I was only living my worst nightmare ever.

But as quickly as I came out of the anesthesia I was back under because I don’t remember much after that. I woke up back in the recovery room with Cory. My neck and chest were in a lot of pain, mostly stinging. I remember crying because I could remember what had happened, but also because I almost always cry coming out of anesthesia.

Everything was fine, the surgery went well, and aside from the small hiccup of me waking up a bit (granted, my eyes never fully opened, I was really just aware of my surroundings for a short while), Doc said it was a success.

We did all the post-op walk through and were back home around 9:30ish to recover. I pushed fluids, doing my best to flush that anesthesia and hopefully avoid a migraine. Stayed in bed and iced a lot. I felt good enough to get up and walk around in the afternoon. And by the time Macy got home from daycare, I felt comfortable picking her up and holding her on my left side (no holding anything over 10-lbs on my right side for 1 -week).

Glad to have this procedure done and that just means we’re one step closer to chemo. But for now I’m focusing on work tomorrow and then heading to Michigan this holiday weekend with our family to enjoy some sun, celebrate my Mom’s birthday and to pretend - just for a moment - like everything is right with the world and I don’t have cancer. It will all be waiting for me when we get back, but for now I’m choosing to focus on more important things.

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